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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lost in translation?!?

I  was walking home with friends (who I managed to Tom Sawyer into carrying four boxes of stuff I had sent to myself).  Stella O'Neill, my Irish friend, noticed I had some travel brochures.  She looks at me and asks "did you get them from your man?".  I looked at her and said, "No, I got them from the travel agent".  Apparently in"Irish" that expression means I got it from the travel agent.  We looked at each other and burst out laughing!!  There are about 10 countries here divided by a common language.  We call it "the look".  Someone will say something none of the rest of us understand and we give them "the look".  It's a combination of confusion and amusement.  No one ever EVER takes offense and usually the misunderstanding results in a great laugh!!  It's great fun to share each other's English culture....or the interpretation thereof ;)

I've got a long work week ahead of me.  I work three 12 hour shifts in a row , have two days off, then work three in a row again except my clinical instructor decided I was so proficient in computer charting that he is sending me to the ISIS training on Sunday so I can help train my co-workers.  Been there a little over a week and already in the thick of things!  Means I get only one day off now....but Carlos thinks I am motivated by money and assures me I will get overtime!  That's OK.  I'm planning a trip in March for my birthday. Going to Egypt and do my best Cleopatra impersonation :)  Cairo, Alexandria, Giza and a cruise down the Nile.  Happy birthday to me!

Christine xx

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