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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite American holiday!  Christmas has become so frenetic and commercial, halloween..well...there is so much candy one can eat.  Thanksgiving is for remembering all that has come to you in the way of blessings.  Health, family, home, friends it is a time for remembering that a happy life does not mean being wealthy in material things.  Some of the unhappiest people I know have lots of money but have missed out on the truly meaningful things in life.  Give your life meaning!

I am cooking today and tomorrow!!  The herd of hungry expats are gathering at my apartment where I am cooking a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.  Some recipes had to be altered slightly due to unavailability of certain ingredients.  Like sage.  I could not find sage anywhere unless they are calling it something different here.  I was sure they had nutmeg but nope.  Not finding that either but did find a great cinnamon!! and ginger is easy to find!!   Cloves...well I had to trust that the spice bottle that said GLOVES would be cloves...and it was! I made my pie crusts from scratch!  I found pecans but they are not very good so they will go in to the sweet potato casserole for some crunch! 

I feel extra blessed this year!  I am living in an exotic place working in an interesting hospital.  I am learning a new language.  I have everything I need to be comfortable.  I have made great new friends.  I am thankful for technology that allows me to stay in touch with family and my friends back home.  I am thankful to God for all these blessings I have been given...even the challenging ones that teach me patience, and to have hope.  All of you who read this have touched my life and left your mark on my heart and I am grateful for you!

Happt Thanksgiving!!

Christine xx

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