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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

One More Week!!

I am so excited about my trip to Egypt!  It's a dream come true!  Everything is ready to go...the day needs to get here quickly!!!

I have made friends with a little Azerbajani man at the carpet souks.  He has been teaching me about carpet, silks and wools, weaves, dyes, design, regions where the carpet comes from.  I have to say the carpets are absolutely beautiful!  He was teaching me about pomegranate and saffron dyes as well as indigo.  The colors are fabulous and so rich looking.  A great carpet will have the design look the same on the back as on the front except for the pile.  Sometimes it is hard to decide on one they are all so beautiful!  The man's cousin sells pashmina and there are tons of beautiful scarves and shawls!  The designs and colors are so intricate and rich!  I guess you can tell I love going there!

The rainy season passed unnoticed by me.  I asked someone when it started and she said we already had it ?!?!  I just remember a couple of days when it sprinkled a little bit!  Looking forward to the long hot summer (not).....

Monday, March 1, 2010

Who Knew Camels Were So Friendly?!?

I looked today and saw it has been a while since I updated this blog.  Not too much going on at the moment.  I am really looking forward to my trip to Egypt!

We visited the camel souks and other points of interest a week or so ago.  We went to Old Riyadh and Dirriyah which are being restored.  Sand, wind and sun take a toll on structures that are hundreds of years old and made of sand bricks!  We went too a flower farm where there were huge greenhouses!  Inside there were many different colors of roses and they were already blooming!  The MOST fun part of the day was going to the camel souks!  I learned a couple of things about camels.  First they come in different colors.  I thought all camels were...well...camel colored (sort of tan/beige/brown).  At the souk there were white ones and black ones as well as a beautiful golden one.  We saw a new mother camel with her three day old baby that still had a bit of umbilical cord and we watched as she nursed from her mom (I got a picture!).  Camels seem pretty gentle and were as curious about us as we were about them.  We just stood by the fence and they came to us!  One even got really close to me...a camel KISS!  We then went to a large open fruit and vegetable market.  It was like a huge farmer's market back home.  It was a very pleasant day shared with two of my co-workers.  I swear we were like little kids we were so excited!!  The finale was eating chicken shwarmas at the restaurant ....delicious!

Looking forward to my trip to Egypt in two weeks.  I will be off line for a couple of weeks at that time.  I am sure I will have many more adventures to share!

Christine xx